description & usage
Found all over India, Bengal and in Burma. "Two kinds of fruit are available in the market small one is wild variety and another variety is cultivable variety". Both of them have same medicinal properties when they fully ripened. It is a tree that grows upto 3 to 6 metres height. The Leaves are oval in shape and flowers has a pleasant fragrance. Fruit is round in shape greenish white in colour with a hard but smooth outer surface. The inner content of the fruit is mucillaginous and aromatic.
Chronic dysentery, diarrhoea, mild laxative, asthma, fever, jaundice, constipation, indigestion, discomfort.
How to Use:
The following are some useful household formulae
One: Take of Beal fruit 1, Holarrhena antidysenterica 2, Indian sweet fennel seeds 1, chebulic myrobalan 1 and Sugar 3 parts. Mix the above and prepare whole thing as powder then Plantago ovata. Dose - One to three drachms. Useful in subacute and chronic dysentery.
Two: Take of Bael fruit 4 drs, Scindapsus officinalis 1 dr., Andropogon muricatus 1 dr., Symplocos racemosa 1 dr., Mix and reduce the whole to a fine powder. Dose - 20 to 30 grains.
Parts Used:
Leave, fruit
Astringent, sweetness
Diaphoretic, aphrodisiac
Chronic dysentery, diarrhoea, mild laxative, asthma, fever, jaundice, constipation, indigestion, discomfort.
How to Use:
The following are some useful household formulae
One: Take of Beal fruit 1, Holarrhena antidysenterica 2, Indian sweet fennel seeds 1, chebulic myrobalan 1 and Sugar 3 parts. Mix the above and prepare whole thing as powder then Plantago ovata. Dose - One to three drachms. Useful in subacute and chronic dysentery.
Two: Take of Bael fruit 4 drs, Scindapsus officinalis 1 dr., Andropogon muricatus 1 dr., Symplocos racemosa 1 dr., Mix and reduce the whole to a fine powder. Dose - 20 to 30 grains.
Parts Used:
Leave, fruit
Astringent, sweetness
Diaphoretic, aphrodisiac