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definitionAnaemia - reduction below normal of the number of erythrocytes, quantity of haemoglobin, or the volume of packed red cells in the blood.
causes/incidences/risk factors1. Iron Deficiency Anaemias :
1. Hook - worm infestation (Most common cause in India) 2. Diminished intake 3. Increased demands of our body eg. During pregnancy, lactation, menstruation 4. Loss of Iron e.g. Peptic Ulcer, carcinoma stomach, carcinoma colon, piles (or) haemorrhoids. 2. Megalobastic Anaemias : This is due to Vit - B12 deficiency or folic acid deficiency or both. 3. Folic Acid Deficiency Anaemias : 1. Poor intake. 2. Increased demands during pregnancy and lactation. |