description & usage
A common weed scattered from the Himalayas to the Western Bengal, South India, Burma and Ceylon.
Uses :
Cough and whooping coughs.
How to Use:
Seeds are also useful in cough and whooping coughs. Dose of the leaves is 90 grains. Infusion of root (1 in 20) is given in doses of 1/2 to 1 ounce and the decoction of whole plant (1 in 10), in doses of 2 to 6 drachms ; in skin disease as an application. A decoction of the leaves, roots and flowers is highly prized in hysteria to relieve the spasm ; also useful in relieving flatulence of dyspeptic, nervous women.
Parts Used:
Leaves, seeds, roots
Purgative, febrifuge, diuretic, anti periodic
Uses :
Cough and whooping coughs.
How to Use:
Seeds are also useful in cough and whooping coughs. Dose of the leaves is 90 grains. Infusion of root (1 in 20) is given in doses of 1/2 to 1 ounce and the decoction of whole plant (1 in 10), in doses of 2 to 6 drachms ; in skin disease as an application. A decoction of the leaves, roots and flowers is highly prized in hysteria to relieve the spasm ; also useful in relieving flatulence of dyspeptic, nervous women.
Parts Used:
Leaves, seeds, roots
Purgative, febrifuge, diuretic, anti periodic