description & usage
This graceful palm rising from 60 to 90 feet is extensively in Southern India and Ceylon ; it is not found in the Northern Provinces, but is plentiful in Eastern Bengal, Burma towards the sea-coast, in Malabar and Coromandal Coasts and the islands of the Indian Archipelago. It is tall, unarmed, unbranched tree reaching up to 25 m high. The roots grow deep, and are numerous. The nut is three angled , one seeded and it is surrounded by fibres and a hard shell is present. Palm tree love the saline coastal regions and thrive well in such places.
Uses :
Fever, uterine diseases, Fair complextion, Incipient phthisis and cachexia, Ringworm.
How to Use:
Milk of the kernel mixed with Kalijeera is locally applied to freckles. From the edible portion of kernel three oils known as cobrel, avel and muthel are prepared. And a tarry oil is prepared from the shell of the nut which is used only externally in the treatment of ringworm. Milk of the fresh kernel is useful in debility, incipient phthisis and cachexia, ( 4 to 8 ounces) thrice a day ; but beyond that it is aperient. Water of the unripe fruit is useful in thirst, fever and urinary disorders. Fresh oil prepared by boiling the milk of coconut is a useful application in baldness as it promotes the growth of hair and also for burns. "The cabbage or tender leaf, when boiled, is a delicate vegetable and is also eaten raw, pickled or made into conserve. The spathes yield toddy used for conversion into jaggery, vinegar or arrack spirit.
Parts Used:
Kernel, flowers, root, oil, ash
Sweetness, saltishness
Refrigerant, nutrient, aperient, diuretic
Uses :
Fever, uterine diseases, Fair complextion, Incipient phthisis and cachexia, Ringworm.
How to Use:
Milk of the kernel mixed with Kalijeera is locally applied to freckles. From the edible portion of kernel three oils known as cobrel, avel and muthel are prepared. And a tarry oil is prepared from the shell of the nut which is used only externally in the treatment of ringworm. Milk of the fresh kernel is useful in debility, incipient phthisis and cachexia, ( 4 to 8 ounces) thrice a day ; but beyond that it is aperient. Water of the unripe fruit is useful in thirst, fever and urinary disorders. Fresh oil prepared by boiling the milk of coconut is a useful application in baldness as it promotes the growth of hair and also for burns. "The cabbage or tender leaf, when boiled, is a delicate vegetable and is also eaten raw, pickled or made into conserve. The spathes yield toddy used for conversion into jaggery, vinegar or arrack spirit.
Parts Used:
Kernel, flowers, root, oil, ash
Sweetness, saltishness
Refrigerant, nutrient, aperient, diuretic