description & usage
The Deccan, the sea-coast districts and Kashmir. Commonly called as Indian Gooseberry. Most popular than other medicine of plants. It is a small are medium size tree with spreading branches. The bark is light grey in colour and the wood is hard and red in colour. The green is yellow flowers are very small and monoecious in nature. The pale yellow fruit is rich in Vitamin C, contain a hard seed inside.
Diabetes, eye complaints, Haemorrhage, Diarrhoea and dysentery, Jaundice, to a expel gases, laxative fever, anaemia, piles, difficult urination and dyspepsia, cough, etc.
How to Use:
Juice of the fruit is used ; it is generally given with honey ; the dose is from 1 to 3 drachms. The pickles can be prepared and preserves to stimulate appetite. Juice or extract of the fruit with honey and pipli added is given to stop hiccup and in painful respiration. Juice of the bark with honey is used in aphthous stomatitis. Take of powdered emblic myrobalan 64 tolas, prepared iron 32 tolas, liquorice powder 16 tolas, mix them together and soak in the juice of gulancha for seven times, successively. This is given in doses of 20 to 40 grains in anaemia, jaundice and dyspepsia. Take of Tukbm Amla 5 parts and sugar-candy 2 parts. Mix and take for 14 days. An ointment made of the dried emblic myrobalans 4 parts, Camphor 1, Nuxvomica seed 4, Sulphur 4, Copper sulphate 1, Red oxide of mercury 2 parts and ghee, is a useful application in obstinate itch, prurigo etc. The decoction of the seeds will take for asthma bronchitis and leucorrhoea.
Parts Used:
Fruit, leaf, bark
Sourness, pungency, sweetness
Astringent, laxative, refrigerant, diuretic
Diabetes, eye complaints, Haemorrhage, Diarrhoea and dysentery, Jaundice, to a expel gases, laxative fever, anaemia, piles, difficult urination and dyspepsia, cough, etc.
How to Use:
Juice of the fruit is used ; it is generally given with honey ; the dose is from 1 to 3 drachms. The pickles can be prepared and preserves to stimulate appetite. Juice or extract of the fruit with honey and pipli added is given to stop hiccup and in painful respiration. Juice of the bark with honey is used in aphthous stomatitis. Take of powdered emblic myrobalan 64 tolas, prepared iron 32 tolas, liquorice powder 16 tolas, mix them together and soak in the juice of gulancha for seven times, successively. This is given in doses of 20 to 40 grains in anaemia, jaundice and dyspepsia. Take of Tukbm Amla 5 parts and sugar-candy 2 parts. Mix and take for 14 days. An ointment made of the dried emblic myrobalans 4 parts, Camphor 1, Nuxvomica seed 4, Sulphur 4, Copper sulphate 1, Red oxide of mercury 2 parts and ghee, is a useful application in obstinate itch, prurigo etc. The decoction of the seeds will take for asthma bronchitis and leucorrhoea.
Parts Used:
Fruit, leaf, bark
Sourness, pungency, sweetness
Astringent, laxative, refrigerant, diuretic