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definition1. Acclimation fever - due to change of weather condition
2. Amative fever 3. Aphthous fever - fever with inflammation of the mouth. 4. Bilious fever - it is due to excess of bile secretion from liver complications and with vomiting 5. Brain fever 6. Burning fever 7. Child bed fever 8. Cold fever 9. Congenital fever - In children 10. Continuous fever - fever neither remittent nor intermittent 11. Dengue fever - affecting the muscles and joins of the limbs, endering the patients unable to walk 12. Dyspeptic fever - due to indigestion 13. Epidemic fever 14. Fever affecting the bones 15. Fever developing Jaundice 16. Fever due to boils 17. Fever due to excessive chillness 18. Fever due to excessive heat 19. Fever due to fear 20. Fever due to lose of appetite 21. Fever marked by aversion to food 22. Fever which parches the tongue and induces thirst 23. Filarial fever 24. Herpetic fever - 25. High fever - Hyper-pyrexia 26. Infectious fever 27. Inflammatory fever 28. Intermittent fever - coming in succession or by turns 29. Internal fever. 30. Jungle fever - malarial fever occurring in mountainous parts 31. Malarial fever 32. Menstrual fever - occurring during menses 33. Mid day fever 34. Midnight fever 35. Midnight fever 36. Milk fever 37. Mosquito fever 38. Osteomyelitic fever - fever affecting the marrow of the bones 39. Phlegmatic fever 40. Quartan fever - fever coming on every fourth day 41. Quotidian fever - fever occurring daily 42. Rat bite fever 43. Remittent fever - fever temporarily ceasing from time to time 44. Rheumatic fever 45. Septic fever - caused by micro organisms such as malarial fever 46. Shivering fever 47. Symptomatic fever 48. Syphilitic fever - due to Syphilitic poison 49. Thermic fever - due to excessive heat 50. Thyroid fever 51. Typhoid fever 52. Variolous fever 53. Venereal fever 54. Wound fever Causes and Risk Factors:
It is due to errors in diet especially tainted food , internal heat sudden change of weather or other atmospheric disturbances, emotional feelings.