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Gonorrhea |
Gonorrhoea - Infection with Neisseria gonorrhoeae, most often transmitted venereally, marked in males by urethritis with pain and purulent discharge; commonly asymptomatic in females but may cause salpingitis, oophoritis, etc.
Causes, Incidence and Risk factor:
Sexually Transmitted Disease caused by gram negative intra cellular Gonococcus leading to purulent inflammation of mucous membrane. In men leads to arthritis with purulent discharge, epididymitis, prostatitis and proctitis. In women cerricitis with prulent discharge, salpingitis leading to infertility, vaginitis, proctitis and oophritis causing the spectrum of Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases. (PID).
Occasionally haematogenous spread leading to fever, skin lesions (pustular red and tender) arthraligia (of small joints), septic arthritis, tenosynocitis, endocarditis and rarely meningitis. |