gowri chinthamani chendooram
Doctor’s prescription is must.
medicine for
Given with three pungents powder in colic, rheumatism, chronic fevers, rat bite,bronchitis, dyspnoea, cough, tuberculosis, piles, bubo, jaundice, inflammations and pains in the male and female genital organs, orchitis, abscess, hepatitis, glossitis, scrofula, ulcers, eczematous affections and other skin diseases. Given with nutmeg, mace, cloves and atis powder in stomach aches, diarrhoea and indigestion. Given with Karunai legiyam in piles and fistula. Given with tanner's cassia bark in diabetic affections. (Should be taken if prescribed by a qualified doctor)
ingredients |
100-200 gm, twice a day for forty days with honey and three pungents powder
make it yourself
Grind 1 and 2 into a black mass. Add 3 and grind to obtain a homogenous mixture. Using small pieces of cloth, tie the product into small bundles the diameter of which should not exceed 1.5 cm. Paste the outside with clay. Place these bundles on a layer of sand in a earthern disc. Cover with another layer of sand and cover with another disc and seal the rim. Burn the capsule with about 100 cow dung cakes. Cool the set up, open and collect the medicine in the packets. Finely grind and store the sooty black final product.