description & usage
Hibiscus is a common garden shrub used as hedge plant. It will thrive well in all types of soil. The flower is reddish and has five petals.
Ardor-urinae, strangaury, cystitis, cough, gonorrhoea , laxative, lowers body heat.
How to Use:
Flowers of this plant fried in ghee are give in menorrhagia ; dark-red petals are administered in the form of a mucilaginpus infusion in ardor-urinae, strangury, cystitis and other irritable conditions of the genito-urinary tract ; it is also a refrigerant drink in fevers and a demulcent in cough.
Combined with milk, sugar and cumin the petals or the fresh root juice of the white flowered variety is given in gonorrhoea. Root is valuable in cough. Flowers pounded into a pulp and mixed with water are given with much benefit in gonorrhoea. Expressed juice of the leaves is also given.
An oil made by mixing the juice of the fresh petals and olive oil in equal proportions and boiling till the water has evaporated is equal proportions and boiling still the water has evaporated is useful as a stimulating application for increasing the growth and colour of the hair. In china a black dye is prepared from the petals, for the hair and the eye-brows. In fevers, an infusion of the flowers help to reduce body heat.
Parts Used:
Emollient, demulcent, aphrodisiac
Ardor-urinae, strangaury, cystitis, cough, gonorrhoea , laxative, lowers body heat.
How to Use:
Flowers of this plant fried in ghee are give in menorrhagia ; dark-red petals are administered in the form of a mucilaginpus infusion in ardor-urinae, strangury, cystitis and other irritable conditions of the genito-urinary tract ; it is also a refrigerant drink in fevers and a demulcent in cough.
Combined with milk, sugar and cumin the petals or the fresh root juice of the white flowered variety is given in gonorrhoea. Root is valuable in cough. Flowers pounded into a pulp and mixed with water are given with much benefit in gonorrhoea. Expressed juice of the leaves is also given.
An oil made by mixing the juice of the fresh petals and olive oil in equal proportions and boiling till the water has evaporated is equal proportions and boiling still the water has evaporated is useful as a stimulating application for increasing the growth and colour of the hair. In china a black dye is prepared from the petals, for the hair and the eye-brows. In fevers, an infusion of the flowers help to reduce body heat.
Parts Used:
Emollient, demulcent, aphrodisiac