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Hysteria |
Hysteria - a psychoneurosis with symptoms based on conversion and characterized by lack of control over acts and emotions, by morbid self-consciousness, by anxiety, by exaggeration of the effect of sensory impressions etc.
Causes and Risk Factors:Due to conversion of psychic conflict into a loss or distortion of neurological function, manifesting as loss of function of limbs, gait disturbances aphonia, sensory loss, pseudo seizures, coma, blindness etc. Amnesia could develop with loss of personal identity (not recalling one's name and other personal details) that can otherwise happen only in gross dementia. The patient may travel for miles from home aimlessly (Hysterical fugue) up to 50% of such cases have been found to have co existing diseases of the nervous system (eg. multiple sclerosis, pseudoseizures in patients with epilepsy.