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Malaria |
Other Names are tertian malaria, Quartan malaria; plasmodium; an infectious disease transmitted by the bites of the infected mosquitoes. Characterized by chills and fevers.
Causes, Incidence, and Risk Factors
Malaria is caused by a parasite that is transmitted from one human to another by Anopheles mosquitoes. In human, the parasites (Called Sporozoites) migrate to the liver where they mature and release another one.
An acute and chronic protozoan infection of the tropics and subtropics transmitted by Anopheles mosquito and the parastic species being Plasmodiam falciparum ('malignant tertian alternate day fever'),P. vivax ('begin tertian'), ovale and malaria ('quartan-every third day fever'). Rarely transmission can follow transfusion of infected blood. The severity of infection depends upon the species, the extent of parantaemia, the immunity status of patient, age (worse in children), pregnant state (worse) and state of nutrition. |